March 29, 2015

Shark--Under the Water (part 11)

Hi all. We are coming to the close of our underwater project.  I'm sorry to say that I forgot to take photos of the process in creating the lone shark that will be guarding the treasure chest. Three boys took part in that venture; but on this day, two of the boys were in another activity after school. So all you see is one stuffing the shark.

I must tell you that the boys sketched out the shark and painted it. There was no help from us (except for the stapling).  Oh, I take that back.  One of the boys did ask me the previous day to cut out the teeth for them. I apologize again for not remembering to take pictures.  Poor excuse, but I was involved with another project.

There are three of five panels that will be going up on the wall tomorrow. Yea!!!  The water bottle fish have to go on panel four and the octopus is needed to fill out the last panel.  Hurray!  We should be totally done by Wednesday (if not sooner for the reveal).

1. large white paper (2)
2. picture of shark
3. pencils
4. scissors
5. tape
6. stapler
7. black Sharpie/marker
8. newspaper
9. paint
10. paint brushes
11. small bowls for paint

1. line up large white paper, tape together so they don't move
2. sketch out picture of shark
3. cut out sketch of shark keeping both sheets of paper together
4. staple around shark, leaving openings for the paper stuffing
5. lay newspaper on table
6. pour paint in small bowls, and paint shark
7. let shark dry
8. stuff shark with strips of balled-up newspaper
9. staple openings closed
10. draw gills and eye with Sharpie

This took the boys three days:  day 1 for sketching; day 2 for painting and drying; day 3 for stuffing

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