March 12, 2015

Sea Flowers--Under the Water (part 4)

Are you waiting with bated breath on how all these individual crafts are going to come together?  Me too!  This project came about from another project, which I will tell you about in the next post. One of the older girls was playing around with the top of a water bottle and decided to cut several slits and hold it over the fire.  Because of her experimentation, this became a project for the little ones.

During this massive endeavor, the children were allowed to use fire, which I know Smokey the Bear would probably faint at; but they were under watchful eyes.  I wish I could show you the seriousness that the kids held in their faces--probably because of hearing "don't play with matches."  There were no oohs; all the faces were somber (maybe they were afraid of burning themselves?).

These were brave children.  Not one said they didn't want to do the project.

This young one loved the smell of the candles.  It had a scent that reminded her of her dad.

These are awaiting placement on the wall...

as are these.

1. water bottles
2. Sharpies
3. box cutter or Exacto knife
4. matches
5. candle
6. scissors

1. color water bottle from mouth to where the bottle rounds
2. with box cutter, make long slit
3. with scissors, have kids cut around bottle neck
4. have kids make long slits to bottom cap around circumference of bottle
5. light candle
6. holding top of bottle, rotate the bottle top as the flame "manipulates" the petals

Craft takes no more than 45 minutes

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