It was all the rage with the older kids that came in the morning, but it drove me crazy. For days I was asked to play the same song over and over and hear the various choral tones. Definitely I had to get with it. Eventually, I was reduced to having the song run for weeks in my already crowded brain. Alas, I resorted to learning the fame dance and howling just like the kids. And if you live in Seattle, you know that the Seahawks rule and reign ( at least, according to these kids). Judge for yourselves. Even a favorite of mine, Dancing with the Stars got in on the act.
With such inspiration, I thought the kinder and first graders would love to do their own rendition dance, along with costumes. Well, although the young set tried their best to master the dance, it just didn't work out. Thanks to a post on, I opted to have the children make a fox mask (which still resembles the giraffe) because, of course, the new dopplers I bought just had to be used. Sorry there are no pictures with the children wearing the masks. As these are from last year, I didn't have the view to document the steps. This was the only picture that wasn't too fuzzy.
1. egg carton
2. scissors
3. brown and white paint
4. elastic strap
5. construction paper
1. separate top of egg carton from bottom
2. cut two ears from bottom of carton
3. on top of carton, draw a pair of eyes
4. cut a u-shape in center for the nose and mouth
5. paint the masks and ears
6. hot glue the ears to front of masks
7. make hole on sides of mask for elastic strap
8. cut additional set of ears for the sides of the mask and hot glue them above holes